* SafeStore 是一種全自動化的保管箱系統,適合24小時無人銀行或不需要人力看管的保管箱管理模式.
* SafeStore分成三種尺寸規格(mini,midi和maxi), 保管箱的外牆採用歐規測試Grade7 的防盜標準.
* 三種不同層次的門禁管理系統,有效的防止盜用與強力破壞,更可加裝監視防盜系統達到全面監控的安全要求.
* 保管箱室內的隱蔽空間能夠讓客戶安心放心的操作,24小時不限時間的取放物品,更能夠發揮保管箱貼心的服務功能
* 本系列也提供SafeStore2000傳統型保管箱室的型錄資料(歡迎下載)
SafeStore is a fully automated system of robotised safe deposit lockers located in a high-security vault. It is a compact,
effective and flexible 24-hour self-service solution.The secure room may be located on the same level as the
vault or on a floor above. SafeStore allows you to offer the most user-friendly and convenient safe deposit locker
service possible, whilst decreasing the amount of time bank branch employees need to serve safe deposit locker customers.